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A Rosey Spring Break

By Peter Stefo -- Eagle Staff Writer

Over spring break I spent time in Texas with my family. We stayed at a hotel that happens to be right beside the city of Tyler.

Tyler, Texas is a city in Eastern Texas that is known for something very special: flowers. Tyler is known as the Rose City and claims it is the rose capital of the entire world. Tyler has a massive rose garden that has 400 different kinds of roses. It is an amazing experience for flower experts and people who know nothing about flowers alike.

I personally have never been a big flower person but seeing this has really opened my eyes to the beauty of them. It should definitely be on the bucket list of anyone looking to travel to Texas.

Red Knock-Out bush roses alongside pink climbing rosebush. (Photo by Peter Stefo)

Rose Persica is native to Iran and Afghanistan. (Photo by Peter Stefo)

This variety featured bud roses alongside full blooms. (Photo by Peter Stefo)

Cardinal red grandiflora blooms perfect for cutting. (Photo by Peter Stefo)

Rose "Lina Renaud" are strongly scented. (Photo by Peter Stefo)

Azaleas. (Photo by Peter Stefo)

Beach Roses are often found growing in dunes near seacoasts. (Photo by Peter Stefo)

This grandiflora variety shows off full blooms and perfect buds. (Photo by Peter Stefo)

The Aachener Dom is a tea rose, featuring miniature blooms. (Photo by Peter Stefo)

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