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Behind the Set--An Inside Look at TV Production Class

Junior Bryce Higley poses for a quick picture while editing a video. (Courtesy Photo)

By Wesley Ward--Eagle Staff Writer

Cameras, lights, microphones, and tripods. Students in small groups huddled around video monitors. The sound of discussing, planning, editing, and directing.

This is TV Production.

TV Production teaches students a career skill hands-on while also allowing them freedom and fun in their work.

“This class is a hands-on class where you film what you want and edit how you want,” said course teacher Ken Kilinski. “It can also go with activities in the Skills USA club.”

It's in this class that the morning show and other short video segments are made for peers to enjoy.

“TV production is a class that does the morning show for the school, has good relations with the community, and has a crew of students that get paid to film events outside of school,” Kilinski elaborated. “The student crew has shot local football games, weddings, and other events."

Kilinski also added that the student crew is available for hire, giving these Eagles an opportunity to show and use what they learn in school to get paid.

Not all members of the TV Production crew are enrolled in the class, though.

“You can participate in the class by knowing people in TV Production,” Killinski added.

This can give students a sneak peek into the class without taking it.

Students taking the class for credit have expressed that this class allows them to find great success.

“A kid that went through my class and Skills USA was very interested and dedicated and ended up going to a competitive event for Skills USA," Kilinski recalled. "He ended up placing 14th in nationals with his group.”

Kilinski included that the student mentioned went on to make a YouTube channel to post the videos he made during his time in TV Production and Skills USA.

Students interested in creating similar videos through TV Production should talk to their guidance counselor or stop by and see Kilinski on the first floor of West Campus.

69 views3 comments


Brianna Moore
Brianna Moore
Sep 28, 2021

So well written 😜😘


Bryce Higley
Bryce Higley
Sep 24, 2021

I love this 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨


Evan Whitlow
Evan Whitlow
Sep 24, 2021

This is really good 😍

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