By Lily Lovette--Eagle Staff Writer
Many people seemingly view libraries as dreary, boring places full of rarely read books, but for FCHS that's not the case. Whether Eagles like reading or not, the library has something for everybody.
“We want to be involved, we want students to come for fun purposes and we try to connect for that reason,” co-librarian Megan Sawyers began. “We just want to be a bright spot in students’ days so they can come here for help or just to relax.”
Sawyers has been a librarian on campus for 8 years after serving as librarian at Glade Hill Elementary. She works every day to find stories Eagles are interested in reading and keep the library a safe space for all.
“There’s a lot to love about working here. Every day is different. You never know what day-to-day things you're going to run into and it’s nice to not have the same schedule every day,” Sawyers explained.
However, being a librarian isn’t just about books.
“I can still get my teacher fix when teachers want to bring their classes in here,” Sawyers added. “I give lessons about research all while seeing kids immersed in books. It’s just a fun place to be.”
The library also has a lot of events for students to engage in with friends. Once a year the library joins with the Franklin County Humane Society and Freshman SCA for the Barks and Books program. They bring rescued dogs to the library and students can pay a small ticket price to pet and play with the dogs. They also raffle off prizes.
“Barks and Books is a nice little break we have before exams start,” Sawyers exclaimed.
Another unique and incredibly popular program in the library is its coffee fundraiser.
Sawyers and co-librarian Nicole Held sell coffee to students before first period and in between classes to raise money for new furniture in the library. It gives students motivation to continue with the day, and may even go toward funding to give the library a fresh coat of paint.
Sawyers describes the library as, “light, fun, and inviting. We want to be a friendly face and we want people to come in and say hi!"
The pandemic delayed some of these activities and connections, but now that COVID precautions are lifting, the library staff is able to bring in new programs, including Fiction Addiction (a student book club), painting days, board game days, and potentially a “read-a-thon” in the spring.
Most recently they've invited the Historical Society of Franklin County to come tell ghost stories during activity period on October 27th.
“There’s always something fun going on here,” Sawyers said. “We are trying to move forward, we don't want [the library] to be loud but we want it to be conversational."
Students interested in attending any of these events, or getting involved, are encouraged to speak with Sawyers or Held in the library.