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Fishing for a Good Deal: DWR's Lifetime Licenses

By Peter Stefo -- Eagle Staff writer

Fishing is a very popular hobby and an outdoor activity that many people here in Franklin County enjoy. However, for residents age 16 and over or for those fishing on their own property, a state fishing license is required. According to the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources, a one-year license costs $23 . Year after year, this adds up quickly and can end up costing anglers a lot of money over the course of a lifetime.

Thankfully there is a way to avoid having to renew a fishing license year after year and save a money, too. The Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources offers a Lifelong Fishing License, which saves residents time and money. This license is available for a one-time cost of $265 for anyone under the age of 44 - and it will cost you even less the older you are.

Price chart for DWR's Lifelong Licenses (Courtesy photo DWR)

The requirements to purchase a lifetime license are the same as purchasing a regular one. Any Virginia resident who has lived in the state for two months or longer can get one. The license is also still valid even if purchasers move out of state. The Va Department of Wildlife Resources explains that,”As a purchaser of a lifetime license, you will be entitled to hunt, fish, or trap for your lifetime, even if you move out of state."

As for savings, after 11 years the license pays for itself, making it a good investment for those likely to fish most of their lives. Plus purchasers don’t have to go through the process of renewing it every year. "Our lifetime licenses literally allow you to hunt or fish in Virginia for a lifetime - even if you move out of state. You'll never have to worry whether your license is current when you get the urge to enjoy the outdoors," said Doreen Richmond with the DWR.

The Lifetime License benefits wildlife and wild places as well. According to the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources, “Funds from Virginia’s lifetime license sales are deposited into a lifetime endowment fund from which only interest accrued will be used to support habitat and wildlife programs." This means the money spent on a lifetime license helps protect and conserve nature and natural places, which helps everyone who enjoys fishing and nature.

It's an opportunity DWR staff are encouraging others to pursue - and not just for the financial benefits. "Fishing is a fantastic way to get outside and connect with the outdoors, your family, and your friends,” said Michael Bednarski, DWR Chief of Fisheries.

Bednarski doesn't just oversee Virginia's freshwater fisheries - he enjoys them on his own time, too.(Courtesy Photo)

For fishing and hunting enthusiasts, a lifelong license is definitely something to look into. For more information, visit Linked here is the lifetime license application form .

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