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  • Writer's pictureThe Eagle

Photo Collage: The Udderly Amazing AG Fair

Updated: Nov 6, 2023

By Evan Heins--Photography Editor

Another year, another AG Fair. Once again FFA student volunteers helped put on the Agricultural Fair with lessons and demos about all things farm-related. Fairgoers enjoyed four nights of shows, vendors, and most importantly rides!

Teacher Ashly Sigmon and her children get ready to experience the AG fair. (Photo by Evan Heins)

(From left to right) Mearl Witcher (junior), Kiana Starkey and Kinsley McConnell (FCHS grads) all grin ear to ear to show their love for the AG fair. (Photo by Evan Heins)

The Boy Scouts of America flipping patties and posing. (Photo by Evan Heins)

The purple haze shines upon the bears to be won at the AG fair (Photo by Evan Heins)

The Trooper transcends gravity to send riders soaring. (Photo by Evan Heins)

The Tempest twists and turns its riders all around (Photo by Evan Heins)

The Fun Slide puts the fun in functional. (Photo by Evan Heins)

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