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Siblings in the Spotlight--Adkins Sisters Anchor Morning Show and Bond Through Sports

From left to right: Sophomore Charlie and Senior Laken Adkins pose in front of fall scenery whilst on a family adventure. (Courtesy Photo)

By Emma Duncan--Eagle Editor

Lights, camera, action! Cue Adkins!

Adkins? Wait… which one?

After the 8:25 bell rings, students can commonly find sisters senior Laken Adkins and sophomore Charlie Adkins bringing the Eagle student body their daily announcements.

“I like being an anchor because it’s interactive with the other students,” Laken began. “I’ve always been interested in digital media and enjoy getting the chance to use those skills to bring the school together, especially when I get to do it with my sister. Our friends send in videos of us every morning on their active board.”

Being on the morning show wasn’t the pair’s original plan though.

“At first, I took [TV Production just] because I needed an elective, but I’m glad I did,” Charlie recalled. “My first year was with my sister, so we were both starting out at the same time. We both chose it so we would have it together.”

Collaborating has provided benefits, including the girls’ own feature show, Sister Segment.

“My sister and I love being able to work together, so we both decided that we should come up with our own segment to make that happen,” Laken explained about segment creation. “Mr. K is who I should give credit to for the name though. He brought it up at the beginning of the year and it just stuck.”

A bond like what the Adkins sisters have is one Kilinski has seldom worked with in the past.

“We have not had a team of siblings on the morning show. Several years ago we had a couple of cousins anchor a few times, but I’m pretty sure in my 13 years of doing the morning show this is our only pair of siblings,” he shared. “I’ve only had siblings in class together twice. Ben and Nick Weir were the first. They worked together on several projects, but eventually they started working separately. Charlie and Laken work together on everything, [and] they seem to have the same creative ideas. Their personalities are pretty much identical. They are both respectful and they want to get things done.”

This drive Kilinski mentioned may have stemmed from the girls’ involvement in volleyball.

Laken began playing in seventh grade, and since sophomore year has been number 5 on the Lady Eagles’ Varsity team.

“Honestly, I started because my older friends who graduated last year convinced me to. My best friends have all either played at one time or are still continuing to play beside me,” she said. “Although it’s tough sometimes [my teammates] make it all worth it. I continue to play because of all the great memories we have shared throughout the season and because volleyball has always been a fun sport for me whether it was on the beach or in a gym.”

Laken's passion for the sport has helped her become a beacon of inspiration to her Varsity teammates.

“Laken always has a positive attitude on and off the court,” Varsity Volleyball Coach Kaitlyn Dula expressed. “She has a great sense of humor and keeps the team laughing. Laken has many talents and has grown leaps and bounds in her ability and confidence on the court.”

From left to right: Charlie and Laken Adkins smile for the camera before their respective volleyball games. (Courtesy Photo)

Charlie took after her sister, picking up the sport her seventh grade year as well. For the past two years, she has been number 9 on the JV team here; however, she apparently has potential to play for Varsity soon.

“Charlie is such a strong leader on our team. She gives 110% every time she steps on the court, she hustles, and she picks up her teammates when they get down,” JV Volleyball Coach Brittany Flora summarized. “She is constantly cheering for her teammates and is a go-to for everyone. She keeps us laughing on and off the court. She is very capable of leading the varsity volleyball team in the future, in my opinion.”

Charlie and Laken are definitely planning for their future, but since Laken is a senior, the next year or two will come with big changes.

“I’m interested in applying to several larger colleges such as Florida State University, Arizona State University, Louisiana State University, and a few others in the southern part of the U.S.,” Laken explained. “As [one] can tell I’m a very indecisive person, so I’ve not decided on a major, but I know I would like to study abroad at some point. I really love to travel and want a career that allows me to do that, so I’ve looked into software engineering and other things in that field that can allow me to live anywhere I would like.”

Charlie is happy for her sister, but will miss the constant presence of family.

“Laken going to college next year has been a very hard struggle that I’ve tried to avoid,” she commented. “Senior night really made me aware of the future. I hope she does get into the college that she wants to and gets to do whatever she dreams of, but high school and home life will be a little bit lonelier when she leaves. I depend on her so much from rides to being my best friend. I’ll be losing my walking partner and helping her study for each of her tests will be something I'll miss. I won’t have someone to steal clothes from and someone to annoy with questions.”

When they’ve got free time, the Adkins sisters frequently go on adventures together.

“Our family likes to travel, especially when it involves going to the beach,” Laken said. “Also, my sister and I are always going shopping, watching movies, and doing random things such as driving to Cookout at midnight just for a milkshake.”

Every now and then, a girl needs her alone time, but sisters can only stay apart for so long.

“Sometimes we just want to be left alone,” Charlie admitted. “I usually use this time to surprise her in her room and continue to annoy her. Her constant presence has created a constant friend which has been very beneficial. I appreciate everything that she has done for me and I will miss that when she leaves.”

Until then, Laken is repaying Charlie for her kind annoyances during her final year on campus.

“I love getting to embarrass [Charlie] when I see her between classes and getting to yell her name across campus. I think it is so crazy that she is in high school with me and that we share some of the same friends. I mean, I still tell people she's 12 when they ask, but I’m very proud of how much she has grown and everything she has done the past few years here. We have both had our off days and got in screaming fights on the way to school, whether it was over clothes or me not paying her back, but then 5 minutes later we are always best friends again,” she concluded.

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