By Kevin Compton--Eagle Staff Writer
From issues with technology, to lack of staffing, and of course Covid restrictions, students and staff alike believe this year has seen some unique challenges, to say the least.
Last semester, the school was shut down near monthly, but many measures have since been put in place so students can remain in class.
“I think that the efforts of our staff and our students have absolutely enabled FCHS to remain open throughout the fall and winter,” reported Principal Jon Crutchfield.
The measures Crutchfield briefly mentioned have all been made with safety in mind, taking many ideas from the CDC itself.
“Our administrative staff used CDC and VDH guidance in developing our Covid protocols that we are using at school," Crutchfield added.
The school will continue to use the same measures currently in place to keep the school open.
That said, as a result of being overcrowded relative to now, complications could arise with the return of students coming in person to school 5 days a week, starting March 29th.
“There will be no extra precautions for our return on March 29th. We will continue to enforce our current Covid protocols until the end of the school year.” said Crutchfield on the matter.
Still, administration has the safety of the students and staff in mind.
“We have made no sacrifices in staff or student safety. Our number one priority is safety. We will continue to ensure that students and staff are following the established protocol,” Crutchfield commented.
Many teachers have said they are happy to return to class 5 days a week.
"Returning to 5 days a week is definitely going to make communication between students and teachers better," shared science teacher, Frances Lash.
On the other hand, there are teachers who see some possible issues with this approach of getting students back to school for 5 days a week.
“It’s going to be a tight squeeze in here, when also trying to keep everyone distanced," replied leadership teacher, Melvin Patterson.
As said, some classrooms may have difficulty holding both A and B day students while maintaining social distancing. Another concern is that buses must return to multiple students to a seat.
Administration are still confident that this will work and is for the best.
“In my opinion, I think that fall next year will be much more normal than the past year. I do believe that certain protocols will remain in place but I am hopeful that school will look much more normal for our students," Crutchfield concluded.