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Celebrating "She"--Students Decorate Halls With Women's History

From left to right: Sophomores Kaylee Manning and Raenell Logan stand in front of the decorated door they helped create. (Photo by Riley Cockram)

By Riley Cockram--Eagle Staff Writer

Every March, Women’s History Month celebrates the accomplishments of women across all races, nations, and time periods. Michele Jones, history teacher on campus, has been highlighting the importance of Women’s History Month by encouraging her students to create educational art projects that memorialize women often overlooked by the history books.

"It’s an opportunity for people to recognize the achievements of women who have come before us so we can appreciate their sacrifice and bravery so we can keep moving on in our path," Jones described.

In order to accomplish Jones' goal, students chose an inspirational woman in history, then made posters for display in hallways and decorated classroom doors to highlight these women's accomplishments. Initially, all the artists knew about their subject was her name.

Some doors took the theme of a specific woman, while others were decorated to promote general Women's History Month advocacy (Photo by Riley Cockram)

“[Mrs. Jones] told you who the person was and you raised your hand, so you kind of didn’t know what you were getting yourself into," 10th grader Raenell Logan said. "I chose Queen Victoria. She was the Queen of England. She helped a lot during the war.”

Logan continued by explaining how these projects came to life.

“We got pieces of printer paper, drew a picture of her, got down all the information, then glued it to a piece of construction paper and they were displayed in the hallway of Tech C," she continued.

Logan added that she loved this project so much that she completed two pieces.

“I did Queen Victoria and I did Elise Meitner. She was a scientist who had her own school. She won an award for her work and discovered nuclear fission," Logan shared.

Every project featured women from varied walks of life. Kaylee Manning chose a nurse for her project.

“I chose Florence Nightingale and she was the first [professional female] nurse," 10th grader Kaylee Manning commented. "She came up with her own nursing school and ran a hospital. She would bounce back and forth between [nursing] and training people. International Nurses’ Day is on her birthday.”

Students not only decorated classroom doors, but also filled the hallways with recognition of Women's History Month (Photo by Chloe Coleman)

Women's History Month isn't solely a time to celebrate women of the past, however. According to Jones' class, it's a time for everyone to recognize and thank the women in their lives who've made a positive impact.

“My mom… always gives me and my brother her all," Manning said. "Her name is Theresa Anderson. She does whatever she can. She does hair so she just recently built her own salon. She just does everything she can for everybody else.”

Logan also has a woman in her life she aspires to be: her grandma.

“She’s very inspiring," Logan shared. "I’m very close to my grandma and she inspires me a lot. She makes me want to do better. Her name is Anita Jordan.”

Whether writing about a nurse from the 1800s or honoring a modern day mom and business owner, Jones' students all agree that they've learned the importance of Women's History Month.

“I think it’s important to know that women didn’t just cook and clean, even in the old days. They were much more independent and they fought hard for women’s rights because men and other people looked at them as if they should be at home cooking and cleaning. [We] don’t really give them [enough] credit," Manning finished.

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