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Freshmen Find Their Feet at FCHS

Joella Brooks, Emory Cypher, Ella Newbill -- Eagle Staff Writers

Freshmen Haylee Nelson, Peyton Wagner, and William Jamison all agree this school year has started out well. (Photo by Emory Cypher & Ella Newbill)

Freshman year. It's a transition that brings mixed feelings for many, not to mention a host of new challenges. Freshmen Haylee Nelson, Peyton Wagoner, and William Jamison shared some of their impressions on the transition from middle schooler to full-fledged FCHS Eagle.

One of the big adjustments for new FCHS students is simply getting used to the size of the campus. Wagoner, Jamison, and Nelson said they liked the size of the campus and how everything is organized. "I feel that it's really big but I like it. I like walking," explained Wagner. “It's really big but once you get used to it it's not bad,” agreed Nelson.

Of course, a big campus means needing additional time to walk from place to place, but here too, the freshmen we spoke with indicated no problems."Time is good - not too long, just long enough," explained Jamison.

The three also talked about the expectations they brought with them to high school - both positive and negative - and how they'd been mostly pleasantly surprised. “I expected it to be a lot harder than it actually is,” Nelson offered. “I expected to get lost and not know where everything is and a lot harder to make friends."

There have been some disappointments, however. For Jamison, the new division policy banning cell phones in classes is a big one. "The phone rule ruins the experience, "he complained. Payton seconded his opinion: "I was disappointed that we can’t have our phones out."

Nelson, Jamison, and Wagoner may be freshmen but they're already looking at how to get the full high school experience. "I am a part of the marching band," Nelson said while Jamison said he's involved in, "soccer, cross country, and history club."

Change may not be easy, but if Nelson, Jamison, and Wagoner's experience is any indication, freshman year might just not be so bad after all.

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